Michael's blog

Ask what you can do for your country

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I just got e-mail from the Prez asking me to party this weekend.

Actually, it's e-dressed to Georgie, but he really does want us to host an Economic Recovery House Meeting this weekend, to invite our friends and neighbors to watch a video and then discuss: 

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will jumpstart our economy and put more than 3 million people back to work.

The smart-grid Super Bowl

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It was surprising, and pleasing, to see an ad for the smart grid during yesterday's Super Bowl. 

In case you missed it, the ad was one of two (or more; maybe I missed it) by GE's ecomagination brand. It gave a gig to Oz's scarecrow, singing an adaptation of "If I Only Had a Brain," only the "only if" applied not to the singer but to the grid itself.

A big step forward for LEDs, possibly

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I first learned about the future and promise of LEDs at a Las Vegas trade show maybe six or seven years ago. I asked how long it might be before they were ready for the marketplace, and they told me, "three to five years."

Last year, when AIA came to Boston, I stopped by the Philips Color Kinetics booth and asked the same question, among others, and the answer was, "three to five years." 

What's is a name - continued

A British construction magazine has come up with a Sustainability Buzzword Generator, which rewards each click with a new phrase chosen at random from three columns. 

It was surprising how few of the phrases that came up for me were nonsensical, proving that the jungle of jargon has far more than one creature to be wary of. (Previously, I wrote about "green fatigue.")

Island claims sustainability milestone

Tourism officials on Bonaire say it will be the first totally sustainable island in the Caribbean. This is dubious, at best, of course. 

The claim, bubblingly reported on Inhabitat, refers only to energy generation, which falls fart short of true sustainability. For starters, we're talking about a Caribbean island — how are people getting there?

Power Past Coal

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Powerpastcoal.org is a new-to-me site focusing on organized efforts during the first 100 days of the Obama presidency to move the nation beyond coal dependence.

It is a clearinghouse where advocates can join an action, or start one with support from others engaged similarly. It is affiliated with 350.org.

To join one, you can enter a zip code and see what's happening in your region. 


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