The future of wellness, published in Corporate Wellness Magazine

I have another piece in Corporate Wellness Magazine, this time a reported piece despite its having been labeled a column.

Headlined "The Future of Wellness," it asks wellness leaders at Southwest Airlines, L.L.Bean, and other companies what they're trying to achieve, and what's working for them. The story posted a while ago, but I realized this morning that I never shared it here. 

It's good. You should read it. 

The repeating question: Is obesity a disease?

I agree with Food Network talker Alton Brown, who tells Ana Marie Cox in the Sunday New York Times:

“I do think that most of us need to actually take responsibility for what we’re putting in our mouths. Obesity is not a disease.” And: "The second that our society starts thinking that shoveling Big Macs into our face is a disease then we’re done, we’re done as a culture.”

My second book is "finished"!

Well, I'm excited, anyway. I just filed the "final" changes on the manuscript of my second book, and if my editor has no further direction, we'll move into production mode.

We're still up in the air about the title. I've been working on it under the heading "Personal Sustainability/What good is sustaining the planet if we're not sustaining ourselves?" But recently, I've wondered if "Sustain Yourself" with a similar subhead, might be better. Your thoughts are welcome. 

Meanwhile, please raise a virutal glass of celebratory beverage with me!


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