
Food addiction in the Houston Chronicle

I believe I've mentioned the third annual meeting of the Society of Food Addiction Professionals, which runs from Friday through Sunday this week in Houston. I'm attending for the third time, and will be master of ceremonies for the second year, a task I'm anticipating eagerly.

Fake blueberries

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The LA Times reports that "blueberries" in your cereal, or bagel, or muffin might be something quite a bit less: "Nothing more than a concoction of sugar, corn syrup, starch, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors and — of course — artificial food dye blue No. 2 and red No. 40."

The paper was reporting research by the nonprofit Consumer Wellness Center.

Oh, those little eyeballs

Another excerpt from the f.a.c.t.s. report on childhood obesity from the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale:

"Young people’s exposure to fast food TV ads has increased. Compared to 2003, preschoolers viewed 21 percent more fast food ads in 2009, children viewed 34 percent more, and teens viewed 39 percent more."

Angelo Firenze: “Real, wholesome ingredients"

Angelo FirenzeANGELO FIRENZE, 38, of Belmont is a food entrepreneur who sells gelato worthy of his still-vital Italian heritage. He delivers it by the scoop at Angelato, his Belmont restaurant, and by the tub, wholesale, to scores of eateries in Eastern Mass. In Belmont, he also sells a growing menu of deli and delicacies, and he says more innovation is on the way.

Yesterday, I put some questions to him in my usual format: questions, and answers, of 10 words or less. (Please, no counting; it’s a goal, not a rule, and not as easy as it might appear.)

What did you want to be when you grew up? “A captain of industry.”


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