Michael's blog

Inspiring, provocative

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I've recently come in contact with Mats Lederhausen, a former McDonald's leader who has some very interesting, inspiring, and provocative positions on the future, specifically about business but, to me, applicable to our world beyond. I didn't intend to share anything about him today, and don't expect to come back to him in the future.

But this comment, found here, is just plain worth sharing...

CSA sharecropping

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The facet I like most about Charlie Radoslovich's Rad Urban Farmers business model is that he is a farmer without any land. From the top, you know he's either a wacko or on to something significant. I'm thinking it's the latter.

He told me he didn't devise the ideas, but he's certainly on the front edge of the wave. If he's successful, think how much land under lawn-grass cultivation could be converted to productive use.

Hang out with Waxman and Markey

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The leaders of the climate change legislation in the House will participate in a conference call at 4:30 p.m. Eastern tomorrow (Wednesday 6/10) organized by 1Sky, Energy Action Coalition, Green for All, and the US Climate Action Network.

To submit proposed questions for responses on the call by House Committee staffers following the briefing, send them now to billquestions@1sky.org

The phone number for the call is 800-391-2548. The passcode is 28643226#.

Sustaining ourselves

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Over at Pragerblog, which I'm going to rename soon into something that reflects the topic matter better, I posted about the small veggie plot we started at our house. On the level of personal sustainability actions, growing one's own food is about as self-sustaining as one can get, on a par with sewing clothing or building shelter. 


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