Celebrate the Smackdown

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The Energy Smackdown, a high-spirited, good-natured competition among teams of energy-conscious households will mark the end of the most recent campaign — and look forward to its next — Wednesday evening at the Regent Theatre in Arlington Center.

The Smackdown, conducted for two seasons thus far by the Brainshift Foundation, recruited households in Medford for a five-month competition the first time. The second one pitted teams from Arlington, Cambridge, and Medford over a year, and those winners will be recognized Wednesday night. (Results are posted here, but you can preserve the suspense and just show up, if you want.)

Also on the program is the first showing of a 20-minute episode from a seven-show series on the Smackdown that is planned to air by summer's end on local access cable and the Web, though foundation executive director Donald Kelley said wider distribution may follow.

The Smackdown will be expanded to more than three towns in its next round. Kelley said he spoke with a Weston resident this morning who is interested in vying and will be bringing a roster of prospects to the showing.

Admission to the event (tickets here), which runs from 6-8 p.m., is $10. Popcorn and soda included.


Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
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