
Globesity, malnutrition, and other joys of processed food

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I wrote recently about Olivier de Schutter, the United Nations special rapporteur on the right to food, whose report rings many of same bells I and others have been sounding for a while.

In a webinar on April 19, he will be discussing his report and related topics with Dr. David Wallinga and Karen Hansen-Kuhn, both of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

Here's the full text of the notice I got: 

The planet groans

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A European Commission report says that half of Europe is either overweight or obese, and that in most member states, rates have doubled in the past 20 years.

They've got nothing on the US, where two of every three American adults — about 145 million — are considered in one of those categories, but they're gaining. 

Fighting globesity, cost-effectively

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This time it's the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Health Organisation, as related by the Daily Mail newspaper:

"A ‘fat tax’ on unhealthy foods, restrictions on junk food advertising and better labelling are the most cost-effective ways to cut obesity," a study finds.

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