junk food

You have to cash in, don't you?

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From Australia comes a report that athletes often don't endorse the junk food they endorse, but do it for the money.

It's one of the reasons I'm glad I'm not sought as a product sponsor. I think it would  be tough to turn down lucre for principle, and the more they offer, the tougher it would be.


Food addiction, obesity, Coke, Kellogg's, and more

Tweets the deserve a longer moment in the sun:

Surrendering just may save your life  [RT from @wtpicketfence]

Worst marketing practice of the week: Crayons functional kids’ drinks  [RT from @YaleRuddCenter]

Oh dear...!!! 8% of Brits think strawberry ice cream counts towards your "five a day" - Mirror Online  [RT from @NutritionRocks1]

Taco Bell's PR campaign

I'll never forget the day in San Diego, in 2007, when I stopped into a Taco Bell (because I needed a bathroom) and saw its marketing banner touting "Fourth Meal," its bid to institutionalize a midnight meal into the American ethic. It remains a monument in my thinking to marketing brazenness, and I will never take TB seriously again.

Astoundingly stupid

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Probably the better course would be just to ignore them, and I often do, but this post from the food/restaurant industry shills at myfoodmychoice.org is just too ripe for mockery. For these simps, that's saying something.

The headline says, "Kids Reject New Govt School Lunch Food Formulas," and the half-truthiness has begun:

McDonald's sued over "happy meal"

The Center for Science in the Public Interest has sued McDonald's in California over the fast-food giant's use of toys as come-ons to kids to purchase their products.

According to an NPR dispatch, "The lawsuit asserts that under California's consumer protection laws, McDonald's toy advertising is deceptive. It targets children under 8 years old who don't have the ability to understand advertising."

Toys shouldn't sell food

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Here's an approximation of a letter I sent to the San Francisco city supervisor who is the swing vote in an effort to bar toys from being used as incentives to purchase food:

One in three children born today will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. Based on current rates of overweight and obesity, more will suffer a range of debilitating chronic diseases related to diet.


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