A word about Green Drinks

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I'm not sure how many times I've mentioned Green Drinks, and I wasn't curious enough to go back and check — I was going to relate my experience at a gathering this week regardless.

I'm a member, and one of several volunteers organizers, of the Boston subset of what is a worldwide "movement," a term that qualifies for quotation marks because in my experience, we're just a bunch of folks who get together over drinks to connect on our shared green interests. Worthwhile, but we're not saving the world except tangentially.

Your inconsistent writer

I mentioned previously that I'd been abroad for a week at a family wedding, which kept me from posting at anywhere near the consistency a good blogger maintains.

But then I followed that up with a couple of weeks fairly addled by depression, which has seriously frayed my work schedule, including output for both my blogs.

I seem better this morning, for the first time, but now I'm heading out in the morning for a week out West, so the site will again go quiet, except for whatever I can produce today.

"The Greening of Southie"

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A documentary on the Macallen Building, the notably green-spirited, brown-colored, wedge-shaped building on the edge of Southie and the South End in Boston, will be shown at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline Monday at 7 p.m..

The building is certified LEED gold and was a top 10 choice of the American Institute of Architects' Committee on the Environment.

Sorry, I've been away

A family event took me to Israel for a week, where I had sporadic Internet access, and even less interest in working. Later in the month, I'll be away again, at Lake Powell, with potentially more interest in writing, but absolutely no electronic tether to the world. 

Ride 'em and eat

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I'm way late on passing on information of a new endeavor by an old acquaintance, Rosemary Jason. Years ago for the Globe magazine, I wrote about her Pocket Rides, small, laminated cards with suggested routes for cyclists.

Now she's come out with Hungry Nomad Maps, which Jason says concentrate far less on distance and far more on destinations — farms, farmers' markets, wildlife refuges, beaches, and conservation land. 

"Bury the waste in a great big hole"

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Climate Ark has a pair of stories from the past couple of days boosting CCS (carbon capture and sequestration), showing again that bad ideas don't always go away on their own.

Most recent, from Reuters, is a report that Europe intends to invest heavily to help China, then India and others, to develop CCS technology.


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