What my audience thought of me

Immediately after I completed my presentation to about 50 students at Middletown High School in Connecticut Tuesday, someone I was working alongside offered, “Tough crowd. It’s hard to get through to teenagers,” and that may sometimes be. But when my wife asked how it went (she called special, in the middle of day; ain’t she sweet?), I said I just didn’t know.

But now I do, thanks to scans of student-feedback forms sent to me by the organizer, and it’s better than my evenhanded skepticism would have surmised. 

Student feedback after Michael Prager's speech 

 That's just one (very insightful!) person's reaction. Here's some more...

Student feedback to Michael Prager's speech

And more...

Student feedback to Michael Prager's speech

And more...

Student feedback from Michael Prager's speech

Even though he didn't relate to me, which I feel sure I can work on, I was still his favorite. Yes, it's bragging, but it's also pretty gratifying.


Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
make investments in employee wellbeing that pay off in corporate success.
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