Post 300

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Like who cares, but I happened to notice as I was opening this window that it's my 300th post. And it's about ... someone else's posts. has had a couple of good ones in the past couple of days: Alex Steffen wonders about the freebies that are available to the energy-efficient, and cites as an example the Freeaire system for refrigeration units. All it does is hook up to the outdoors when it's cold, harvesting what it needs rather than creating it mechanically. And Clark Williams-Derry notes a new water heater from GE that uses a heat pump to preheat the water, reducing the overall energy use to reach the same water temperature. And Patrick Mazza delivers a wrap-up of challenges and changes facing the aviation industry, keying off Virgin-Atlantic's test of biofuel Feb. 24 but wrapping in several other developments and datum points.

Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
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