ZNEB: Public buildings

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

There were two forks of work, an interim standard and for a demonstration project, as the governor requested in his charge to the group.

In the former:

Adopt prescriptive standards, such as optimizing building orientation or requiring solar-ready roofs.

Require advanced metering for both energy and water in new buildings or major renovations.

Require buildings to report their performance over time. 

Require commissioning of buildings while it is being built and after completion, but then recommissioning every five years, unless figures prove that the original achievements are still functioning.

In the latter:

Three projects were identified, instead of the one the governor asked. 

* Division of Fisheries and Wildlife headquarters in Westborough. Office space and light laboratories, about 34,000 gross square feet. Still in its study phase. 

* North Shore Community College Student Services Building, Danvers. Nurse-education, animal studies, and student services. 58,700 gross square feet. in the design phase. 

*  Trial court, Lowell. 240,000 gross square feet — "the big enchilada," as chairwoman Carolyn Sarno of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) said she likes to call it. Seven story building. In the study phase. The building is sited by a canal, so one of the considerations is hydroelectric.

For these projects, the task force suggested extra funding for the documentation needed, a facilities operation master plan and training to meet it, peer review, and a post-occupancy study three years after occupancy, among other recommendations.


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