Invite the candidates, an climate-crisis action organization that I've written about before (here and here), is asking people to send word to both presidential candidates, urging them to attend the Conference of the Parties, a global governmental gathering in Poland in December, a post-Kyoto next step toward global cooperation for the environment.

As you know, the US is the only major industrial country that hasn't joined in these worldwide efforts, and having the president-elect attend, and pledge cooperation, would be a fantastic boon to the entire movement, emblematic of unity on perhaps the most important issue facing us all.

If you're willing to add your voice to this call to the candidates, please go's invitation site.

You probably know it, but the org's name refers to 350 parts per million, considered the safe level for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We're already at 388, and rising by 2 or so a year. This ain't no foolin' around.

Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
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