Superinsulation workshop

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I'm still catching up on events from the food-addiction summit over at, and tomorrow I'm leaving for another week away (I'll be blogging in a third place for that, and though I know it sounds beyond dorky, I can't say where). But I did want to get in this mention from Paul Eldrenkamp about an "insulation slam" that's being given by a handful of local contractors at 7:30 p.m. on May 14 at 3 Church St., Cambridge. Eldrenkamp, one of the region's thought and action leaders on building efficiency, said the contractors will be presenting the latest superinsulation practices, mostly for retrofitting but somewhat for new construction as well. A group discussion is part of the agenda. 

The invitation is open to builders, architects, code officials, and homeowners.

For more information, go to the Boston Area Solar Energy Association's website.

Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
make investments in employee wellbeing that pay off in corporate success.
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