A heartening glimpse of the green Obama
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The anecdote comes from Newsweek, via gristmill.com.
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The anecdote comes from Newsweek, via gristmill.com.
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OK, so now we have the guy we wanted in the White House. So what is the outlook for clean tech?
Martin Lamonica, green-tech writer at CNet, surveys the landscape. I am always informed by Martin's writing.
[added] Greenbiz.com covers some of the same ground, but also looks at how voters reacted to clean-energy referenda nationwide.
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Dave Beard, major domo at boston.com who maintains an interest in green matters, turned to Ian Bowles, Mass. secretary for energy and the environment, for five suggestions to the president-elect. Good idea, and good ideas. Check them out here.
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The headline is far more portentous than this post warrants, for if you combine the faint ripples of my scribblings with the mildness of the substance, there's not much to "reveal." But I decided nevertheless that, before the election, I didn't want to write anything that could in the slightest way be construed as negative.
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Of course talk radio is dominated by boneheads, but a guy I heard on WEEI sports talk last week — by no means a troglodyte and almost eloquent in a townie kind of way— is still holding space in my head.
His topic was Question 3 on the Mass. ballot, which would (will) ban dog racing in the state. My position is, there is no intellectually or morally justified position in support of that moldering business, and I regret I can cast only one vote to put it out of the dogs' misery.
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The Mass. Climate Action Network, a coalition of locally organized groups fighting the climate crisis, is holding its statewide event, the seventh annual, in a couple of weeks, on Sunday, Nov. 16 at the Stata Center at MIT; the school's Technology and Culture Forum is cohost.
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Participants chat between question sessions.
I joined about 15 others for a "global warming cafe" in West Medford yesterday, and was glad to be among my peeps for a couple of hours. Generally, these were people who are clued into the needs and demands of climate change, and many of them do quite a lot already.
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I am, of course, voting for Barack Obama on Tuesday. He is the clear choice, especially considered in the light of John McCain, who, to me, is a pale, sorry version of what he once presented to the American people, a hope for honest, straightforward leadership. "Craven panderer" is about all he has left, and it has been disgusting to watch.
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Shannon Koenig and I met this morning to talk about conservation. We met through Sustainable Arlington, a grassroots effort to promote planet-friendly consciousness and practices in our town.
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Shannon Koenig and I met this morning to talk about conservation. We met through Sustainable Arlington, a grassroots effort to promote planet-friendly consciousness and practices in our town.