I speak German…

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... not a whit, and if you don't, this link will be of little use to you.

But apparently someone at Treehugger does. In this post, they say...

If the Marburg [Germany] City Council gets its way, Marburg will be the first city in Germany to legally require solar collectors on rooftops of private and commercial buildings. The goal of Fritz Kahle, the Green Mayor of Marburg: "No south-facing roof will go unused."

As they say on sports station WEEI, when a player who used to play for a Boston team turns in a great performance for his new team, "why can't we get guys like that?"

When another paper had a story we should have, the equivalent lingo in the Globe newsroom was, "Why we no have?"

Marburg's intention isn't to subsidize solar, which is a win-win-win-win proposition (gives people "free" electricity, weans us from demon coal, bolsters solar-related industry, and helps reverse global climate change) — Germany has been doing that nationwide for years.

They want to require it! Though I can hear the conservatives wail about government intrusion into private lives, I have no sympathy for their tears. Only the old guard, who are responsible for the sorry state of the states today, have anything to lose, and they have to go.

Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
make investments in employee wellbeing that pay off in corporate success.
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