Great day for the book

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A friend who's highly, highly placed in the columnist universe and has written a number of books once told me, "There's only two good days when you write a book. The day it comes out and the day you get the dough." [I'd ID him/her, but it was a private comment.]

So far I can't agree with him, because I've liked so much about the process, but I sure did like yesterday, the day it came out. We had about 50 people attend the opening event at Elephant Walk (g-r-e-a-t service!), and the reading selections were well received. (I did note, to myself but also to the assembled, that I was in a crowd pretty favorably disposed to liking my work. Still, it coulda been genuine.) Sold a nice number of books too.

We would have sold more, but as many readers know, we asked potential readers to purchase on Amazon, so that we might achieve a good sales ranking, and that worked out pretty well too. We reached about 280 in the Amazon books universe, and 25 in the self-help category. The book attained No. 2 in eating disorders early in the day and has stayed there.

It was all gratifying and exciting, and though I seemed to take it all in stride, I find myself misfiring on several cylinders this morning. 

One of my friends last night asked what I'm going to do, now that this project is basically done, and I had to disagree with him. It feels like it's just starting, or at least that a new phase has started. I am committed to spreading the ideas in the book, and hope to reach you and a few of your friends, if I haven't already.

You can purchase the book, and find out more, at


Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
make investments in employee wellbeing that pay off in corporate success.
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