If you’re responsible for employee wellbeing at your workplace, your company expects you to ...
- Deepen employee engagement
- Reduce absenteeism and presentism
- Lower healthcare and insurance costs
- Lessen attrition
- Promote health and prevention under the Affordable Care Act
… and sustain these changes over the long term. Professionals like you call on Michael Prager to help with all of these challenges.
As an author, speaker, and coach, Michael works with smart companies who are committed to their employees’ wellbeing. His client companies want help to increase employee participation in wellness programs and sustain improvements in the long term.
The problems with typical employee wellbeing efforts include:
Companies are buying into wellness for their employees, but employees are not buying in for themselves.
of 200-employee companies have wellness programs
The Problem
Less than
of employees join them, on average
The Payoff
savings ratio per $1 invested
Sources: - "Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings," Baicker, Cutler and Song, Harvard University. - Rand Corporation for the US Department of Labor.
- Too few employees participate. - Wellness efforts are often silo-ed into narrow categories like weight, smoking, stress, etc., which prevents a wholistic approach. - Wellness speakers too often focus on “what’s wrong” rather than inspiring your staff to pursue the healthy and happy whole. - “One and done” speakers — even for those who do participate, results are often short-lived.
A new approach Michael reaches beyond just the symptoms of unwellness (like obesity or smoking) and addresses the underlying attitudes. By helping employees reframe their attitudes and actions toward sustaining themselves, Michael helps your employees sustain positive results.
A compelling personal story Michael learned the power of a wholistic approach the hard way — through decades of frustrating struggle. Overweight from boyhood, he had gained, lost, and regained hundreds of pounds before being guided to a bigger vision of where his self-interest lies.
Now he’s maintaining a 155-pound loss for close to 25 years. Yet, that’s only part of his transformation. He also finally found and married a wonderful woman, became a section editor at the Boston Globe, adopted a son, wrote two books, and dedicated his work toward this advocacy and outreach.
Interconnection and self-interest It’s not just philosophy. We reap self-interested benefit when we recognize — and exploit! — that our existences are interwoven. Our personal choices directly affect our own health, the health of the organizations we join, and the health of the planet. Bringing wellbeing closer to each employee, and bringing each employee closer to wellbeing, is not only decent and caring, it is a self-interested boon to organizational thriving.
Reach out to Michael’s team to discuss how he can help you reach your goals.


Michael brings a powerful, and fundamentally different, approach to corporate wellbeing.
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